Jude's Page
(Turn on your speakers!)

My next batch of vacation pictures has arrived and here are a few of the best.

This is Bryce Canyon National
Park in Utah. It was a weird and wonderful site.
These spires are made of sandstone. They are called "hoodoos."

We walked down a path that switched back and forth down a steep hill until finally we reached the bottom of the canyon. Then we walked amongst the hoodoos. Cool.

Can you find Queen Victoria's image in this picture? This area is called "Queen's Garden."
Here's Dorothy at the bottom of the canyon.
Now we have to climb back out over another steep trail.
Arches National Park in Utah was another of our favorites. It was filled with these huge weird red sandstone formations.
Here's Dorothy pretending she might really be able to climb one of these things. Photo-op!
Here's me at one of the lesser sandstone arches in the park. This area made you feel like you might be on another planet.
This huge double arch was one of the neatest in the park. Note the clear blue sky that was present for nearly the entire trip. The parks we visited took pride in the fact that they have been successful in their efforts to clean up the air around the parks.

I will post more pictures when they come back from processing.

That's all Folks!

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